Something Bigger than Ourselves - Part I
One of the hallmarks of the Methodist tradition, going back to the days of our founder, John Wesley, is the spirit of connectionalism. Connectionalism is vital to our identity because we believe that Christianity does not exist in a vacuum - individually or as congregations. Every ordained elder has their membership in the annual conference, for the elder has responsibility to all in the connection to help advance the mission of the church. These are not separate from the work of being a pastor of a local congregation, but are an integral part of our shared ministry together.
We are called to participate in the connection in many different ways: District and Conference events, various extension ministries (such as the Methodist Children's Home), participation in the six special offerings each year (you'll hear more about them in the months to come), and by paying our apportionments (our fair share of the larger church's ministry) in full each and every year, without question or hesitation.
So, why this topic, why this week? As noted above, Erin will be preaching for us this Sunday because I will be away preparing for a week-long adventure known as License to Preach School. This is an intensive training session offered to those who have been approved by their local congregation and the district committee on ministry to start the journey into being a licensed local pastor. I am one of the facilitators for the week as part of my work on the conference Board of Ordained Ministry.
Around Epiphany each year, Erin says to me, "See you in February!" It's become a bit of a running joke, because of some continuing education commitments, Board of Ordained Ministry responsibilities, annual reports to be submitted, and organizational meetings to do within our local congregation.
It's a crazy time, but I wouldn't trade it for the world, because through these ministries, I, and all of us, are tangibly reminded that we are not in this alone. Thanks be to God!
(Oh, and it's a great excuse for y'all to get a break from me and hear the much better preacher and teacher that lives in your parsonage.)
See you in Worship!