The Top 3
It was absolutely maddening this afternoon at First United Methodist Church in Shreveport when the 100 slips of paper were handed to me and 14 of my colleagues. The facilitator of our session told us to organize these 100 core values into three distinct categories - those most important to us, those important to us, and those that were not important at all. First run through, I had 25 slips in my most important file. Then she told us to whittle it down to our top 10. Then down to the top 3, which we had to share with the group.
All of them were things that I feel are sort of important, but narrowing it down to the top three was really a sobering experience because it made us examine ourselves closely. It was also challenging because we were told to be honest and talk about what we do, not what we aspire to in theory.
The question that I was asked I also ask of you, individually and as a church - what are the three most important values you hold as reflected in your thoughts, words, and deeds? How do the answers to this question speak to your relationship with Jesus Christ?
See you Sunday!