Something Bigger than Ourselves - Part II
One of the great things about this week I am spending assisting with the License to Preach course is being reminded of the great work of the larger church, as I mentioned in last week's column.
During one of Monday's sessions, Dr. Don Avery, superintendent of the Shreveport district, gave a fantastic lesson on the history and current state of our connectional mission. One of the ways he did this was by walking the class through how much ministry the church does through the ministry of our apportionments. A great document he shared with the class was "The Financial Commitment of The United Methodist Church: 2009-2012," which brings into focus the ministry we share with United Methodists around the world through the seven funds we support with our apportionment payments. (Copies of which will be available in our church lobby very soon!)
Thumbing through this resource, I was reminded that through our:
World Service Fund, we partner with our general boards and agencies to be in mission and ministry at home and around the world.
Ministerial Education Fund, we equip annual conferences, theological schools, and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry to meet the need for increased resources for the recruitment and education of persons for ordained ministry.
Black College Fund, we provide support for institutions of higher education that have historically served the educational needs of black students, and that since its establishment in 1976, we have provided over $255 million to assist the programs and ministries of these schools.
Africa University Fund, we have provided for the establishment of a United Methodist university on the continent of Africa, and continue to support its continued growth and development in this part of the world where our church is seeing its most dramatic and exponential growth.
Episcopal Fund, through which we provide support for the oversight of our global mission through those the Holy Spirit has set apart, through the prayerful deliberation of the church, to hold this sacred office.
General Administration Fund, which is used to finance the general Church activities that are specifically administrative in nature, as contrasted with programmatic, missional, or ecumenical; these include our UM Communications group, our General Council on Finance and Administration, General Conference, the Judicial Council, and other agencies that play key roles in our carrying out the ministry of the church.
Interdenominational Cooperation Fund, which allows us to help further the goal of all Christians, our biblical calling to be united with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in reaching out to all the world.
One of the goals that I have placed before our congregation's leadership for 2012 is the full payment of our apportionment responsibilities for the first time in five years. In your bulletin, in your e-mails, and from the pulpit, part of our conversation this year will include the vital work that we have the honor of sharing in when we participate fully with our fellow United Methodists in our giving.
Sometimes it can get easy to think that 'passing the plate' is simply about making sure the lights are turned on, the preacher gets paid, and that we make our mortgage payments. That's only part of the story. There are people literally around the world counting on us to be faithful tithers, not only for the continued success of our local congregation, but the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God by those who carry Christ's light into places we cannot even imagine.
Let's get started!
See you in Worship!