To wit, I wonder if we all understand just how contagious we are and how much of a risk we take with respect to the fact that when we spend time with people - no matter how long or short - we wind up with a far-higher-than-we-might think chance of both picking up that which is infecting them and sharing with them that which has infected us…

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Dr. King had the nerve to stand up for that in which he believed. Mahalia Jackson had the nerve to spur Dr. King to share his heart. Do we have the nerve to stand up for what we believe? Do we have the nerve to push one another to articulate our message the way Mahalia Jackson pushed Dr. King?

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In order to prepare to be without my laptop for a few days, I have had to look ahead and figure out not only what I needed to do to prepare the machine to be sent off, I had to look and see what all needed to be done in advance, as well as figure out how I would be able to get essential things done without my regular workhorse…

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