07APR2019 | Look Again
Our gospel lesson for this week is, like so many gospel lessons, one that is ripe for severe misunderstanding and easily used to weaponize for use against a group of people towards whom we feel superiority.
In all honesty, present in the first eight verses of John's gospel are at least three different subjects on which one could preach - The well-known contrast between Mary & Martha; Judas' indignation at what he perceived to be wasteful use of precious resources; and Christ's words about the poor. (Not to mention his correction of Judas and the fact he's having supper at Lazarus' house.)
As we come to worship our Lord and celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion this week, there are just a few highlights from this passage that help to inform our understanding of God's grace in Christ and our responsibilities, privileges, and/or opportunities as followers of Jesus:
We are called to bring to Jesus only...;
When we serve Christ, others in the room...;
For those who accept the call of Christ to do God's work, the reality about this work is...