This morning, Erin and I celebrated one of the highlights of the summer for us...seeing off our youth as they leave for their summer trip. It's a highlight not just because Erin makes a double batch of her chocolate chip cookies (and what kind of pastor would I be if I allowed the youth to be served food I had not sampled myself?) - it's one of my favorite activities because I am reminded of how much these trips formed me as a person and in my faith. Although it's been 20 years since I last went, the people and the experiences are vivid to this day, I treasure those experiences and wouldn't trade them for anything. Years and geography have separated many of us, but the bond that developed will always be special.
You hear me and Kathy talk a lot about how the church is so important to our Christian formation and endurance through all the highs and lows of life, and it starts for so many during weeks like this one. For this reason, I want to ask you a few questions:
For Parents of Youth
How much do you make regular, consistent, committed participation in the life of the group a part of your child's life?
For Parents of Children
How are you instilling in your children now the essential patterns and routines of participation in the life of the church and it's ministries on Sundays and Wednesdays (and more), understanding that things like Sunday School, Children's Worship Hour, and Wednesday Nights have a deep impact on your child's welfare, self-esteem, and spiritual formation that cannot be found in any other extra-curricular activities such as sports, scouting, and ballet (just to name a few?)
For Grandparents of Children and Youth
How are you, in your unique role in a child's life, modeling Christian life and witness so that your grandchildren and their parents see the fruits of a life lived in Christ?
For All of Us
Are we, through our Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, and Witness (our core commitments to the ministries of this congregation), doing all we are called to so that we are facilitating in our children a life-long love affair with their Creator?
Are we praying for our children daily?
Are we present in the life of the church so they can see the importance of being together?
Are we tithing (or increasing our giving each year until it reaches at least 10% of our gross) not only so we can have the staff, buildings, and resources to provide this essential ministry but also tithing so they can have instilled in them the discipline of realizing that without God's grace we don't have a dime?
Are we serving the kingdom of God through our church by participating in it's ministries?
Are we witnessing to our faith through our thoughts, words, and deeds so that others may come to know Christ's love and so our children learn it is essential to our life?
The good news for us all is that God's grace is at work in our lives, and we are not called to answer these questions by our own efforts and strength, but through partnering with God, through the grace offered in Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
May you have a most blessed Monday afternoon, and be on the lookout Thursday for some additional Christian formation opportunities starting in late September.
Grace and Peace, Lamar