The Right Question
As Erin and I were out on the day after Christmas, over lunch we were asked by someone we know a perfectly innocent and natural question we ask each other during this time of the year - "So, how was your Christmas?"
Of course, we all know that Christmas is not a day, it is a season of twelve days from Christmas Day to Epiphany. There is a reason why the song is called the Twelve Days of Christmas - they are not a countdown of the days between December 13 and 25th put together by retailers as a way to panic you into a last-minute shopping spree. No, the Christmas season is celebrated over a series of twelve days as a time for us to be intentional about reflecting upon the joy of the arrival of the promised one who came to redeem the world from all sin and wickedness.
So, I want to encourage you over the next 10 days to not rush too much to get back into the routine of life, but to be intentional about taking this time to appreciate the appearance of the Christ child, Immanuel, God with Us, and treasure the fact that our Creator God showed divine love by coming to be one of us, walking with us and showing us the way to redemption and restoration.
Grace and Peace,