Habits Form Early...

Advent is the most special time of the year for me, because it is a season that focuses us on a spirit of anticipation for something truly great and extraordinary. It is also the most frustrating time of the year, for the joy of the anticipation is so often separated by our marathon of holiday stuff that pack our calendars, wallets, and emotions during this time. It was in the midst of frustration that I found a most joyful thing on my desk this week.

This week, we started going through the response cards from our Daring to Dream season, and there were two cards that stuck out to me, not for their amounts but for their mere existence. These two cards came from children in our church, both under the age of 10.

I was excited because it was obvious that these children were led to this by parents who understand that the life of spiritual formation and the habits of a God-oriented life come early, and my excitement was furthered by knowing that these children will always remember filling out their first commitment card.

What's this have to do with Advent? Simple. Our lives are result of the habits we consciously and subconsciously develop over days, weeks, months, and years.

What habits are coming out in how you approach this season, and what do those habits have to say about your understanding of Advent, Christmas, and the focus of these two separate seasons, Christ our Lord

Come Sunday as we start this Advent journey together in worship!

Grace and Peace, Lamar 

Lamar Oliver