The Joy of the Golden Ticket

It wasn't quite Veruca, Violet, Augustus, Mike, and Charlie hitting the jackpot after a worldwide frenzy for the elusive Golden Ticket, but for the past five days I have thought a lot about these little kids while two tickets for the Alabama/LSU game sat in the writing desk on my dining room table.

It's amazing, isn't it, how much of a frenzy people can get in concerning what is really only a piece of card stock with fancy ink?  How many people would love nothing more than to hold one of these things and be able to redeem them for a once-in-a-lifetime dream?

What is it that you want that you would do whatever you could to make it happen?

The thing that I took the most pleasure in during our ticket auction (besides the joy of visiting with the winning bidder, who has some really neat plans for the seats) was realizing that in a world that so many are negative about there are some things that cause people to still truly get the excitement of a little kid on Christmas day?

Of course, there's nothing that compares to the joy of salvation in Christ our Lord.  What is it that you are more excited about - a silly game on a Monday night or the realization that the Christ child came in order to die so that we might live?

There's nothing wrong with wanting the Golden Tickets (or Purple & Golden Tickets, if you will).  I wanted them myself. But they will never be the most exciting thing I'll ever experience.  How about you?

See you Soon!

Lamar C. Oliver