You Don't Have to Look Far
Of all the activities that are going to go on in the church during the next month, I must tell you that one of the most pivotal for our congregation's future is not even listed above. And yes, I am aware that one of the things listed above is our annual fall campaign. So, what could it be?
One of the great things about United Methodism is the shared responsibility for the life of the church between the clergy and the laity. During the next month, what is commonly referred to as the nominating committee will be meeting, prayerfully discerning who it is that God is calling to serve in leadership within the church for the next season of our congregation's life.
In my brief time as your pastor, I cannot tell you how much I have appreciated the love and support your leadership has provided Erin and me. It has made all the difference in the world. I am convinced that great churches have at their root great leadership, and the first few months here have shown me how much this rings true. It's one of the reasons why I was so excited to accept the appointment here - the desire of so many to participate in the leadership of this great church and the very committed and able leadership that has served over the past few years.
Please know as the nominating committee meets over the next month that your prayers are needed, prayers for God's will to be done. I look forward to the cooperation and positive spirit of those who God will be calling to fulfill these roles. As someone pointed out to me last week, one of the most important things the leadership of the church must do is be positive about the future of our congregation. That is one of the reasons why this process is so crucial to our future - the leadership of the church sets the tone for our life together.
There are several standing committees and offices that our church is called to have according to our church law. It is my firm belief that when God calls a particular group to form a local congregation of the church universal, God provides everything needed for God's will to be done, including the women and men to provide solid lay leadership.
I am looking forward to getting many more involved in our leadership so as to help us share the load in the life of the church, and how God will use the current and future lay leadership to help us fulfill our mission.
Oh, and don't be surprised if you are one called to serve...the more we share the load, the easier the burden for us all. Praise be to God!
Grace and Peace, Lamar