The Importance of Vigilance

Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame.  Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant.  Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder.

I'm ashamed, embarrassed, and disappointed.  There's no other way to put it than that.  Ashamed, embarrassed, and disappointed because I have not held up my end of the bargain.

For two weeks in a row now, people have asked me about the Steelers, and I have had to shrug my shoulders and say, "Don't have a clue.  Haven't caught either of their games, and can't converse really intelligently about anything going on with them."

I'm ashamed, embarrassed, and disappointed because I have much higher expectations of myself - after all, when you come into our offices I have The Terrible Towel on my door.  If I'm going to put myself out there, I'd better keep up with what's going on.

But it's so easy.  I had other things in my life that were commanding my attention away from the football field.  I can make all the excuses in the world, but in the end they don't really matter.

I'm not able to talk about the Steelers like a good fan should because, by distancing myself from the week-to-week action, I have not done that which is necessary to keep myself fueled and aflame in a style befitting a true fanatic.

Eugene Peterson's paraphrase of Romans 12:11-12 listed above is a salient reminder for all of us who take on the mantle of being a follower of Christ - it is our responsibility to not get burned out, but to tend to our souls.

How are you keeping yourself fueled and aflame?  Or are you running on fumes, or has the fire gone out?  (Think: Wonder why we are called to be the church?  Could it possibly be for reasons such as these?)

See you tonight to talk about this more...

Grace and Peace, Lamar

Lamar C. Oliver