What Would You Say to Her?
One thing you will learn about me over time is that there are times in life where I find Jesus Christ to be a major inconvenience, and I'd rather him have kept his mouth shut and let me do as I darn well please.
Now that I have your attention, let me explain myself.
I had a wholly different column written yesterday, but after seeing and hearing all the reactions to the verdict in the Casey Anthony trial I can't get Jesus' words out of my mind. You know, the part where, in the Lord's prayer, he specifically taught us to pray for the Father to forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Or the part in the Sermon on the Mount where he says something about not judging, lest we be judged.
These are inconvenient standards to which Christ calls us, for who among us doesn't know how to hold a grudge? Who among us hasn't at some point or another had trouble forgiving those who have sinned against us? Who among us hasn't in our mind had an idea that someone is going to hell because, well, "we just know - it's obvious."
Since hearing this news, I have asked myself what I would say to this young lady if I were her pastor?
The question we must answer as the people of God is, what kind of congregation would we be if she were in our midst? Would we be people who would welcome her with open arms, falling all over ourselves to show her love and mercy, or we would be unforgiving, judgmental types who would shun and scorn her?
Our answers to these issues are not as easy as we would like, and yes, they do have eternal consequences. Just another day of following a Savior who makes our lives inconvenient.
See you Soon!