The Potential of the Future

I have to admit, I'm getting a little nostalgic thinking about the upcoming week.  It's one of those weeks that takes so many back to their childhood, or to other days gone by the wayside.

There's just something about the Independence Day holiday (and yes, it is the Independence Day holiday, not the Fourth of July holiday - Google/Bing/Yahoo! it if you don't believe me) that makes me yearn for something I'll never have again, and to look absolutely objectively at my memory I probably never had in the way that I would like to remember. 

These past couple of weeks have been great for Erin and me as we settle in to our new life.  To see what God has allowed us to participate in up to this point has truly been inspirational.  I am convinced that North Cross UMC has it's best days ahead of it, and I am overjoyed to walk with you as we take a peek with hopeful expectation of what God has in store for us. 

Days like Independence Day are important, for they help us connect with a shared history, and draw upon a lot of memories that our society shares.  And one thing I think we as a church can be reminded of as we see this secular holiday celebrates is that the people involved in the events of June and July of 1776 were looking to the potential of this great new adventure they were embarking upon.  They had no idea how it was going to go, but they had a common belief that their best days were ahead, not behind them. 

North Cross UMC has it's best days ahead of it, not behind it.  I wish I could give you some indication of how it's going to play out, but only a fool would do such a thing.  But I know that God has brought us this far by grace alone, and it is God's grace that will lead us into the future, whatever it may hold. 

Let us always remember that it was a belief in the potential of the future that led over 50 men to sign their death warrants on that July day in 1776.  It must be our belief in the potential of the future that leads us to do God's Kingdom work through the ministry of North Cross UMC.  Period.   

See you Soon!


Lamar C. Oliver