06MAR2021 | DAY 18 | LENT IN B&W
06MAR2021 | DAY 18 | Context is everything…to take proper measure of the cereal in the bowl, one must know the one for which said bowl has been prepared…for a 45-year-old man, this small bit of a well-known children’s cereal does not even rise to the level of a snack, much less breakfast; for an almost-three-year-old little boy, there’s plenty here especially when paired with a waffle and juice…Lent allows us the time and space to make sure we are looking at our life in Christ in the proper context, knowing that what might appear as full to some is actually not much at all, and giving us the margin to allow God to do what is needed in our soul so that we may be Easter people not just for a day but for life…