As we were reminded on Ash Wednesday and again on worship the First Sunday of Lent, this is a season of 40 days, not including Sundays, where we, the people of the church universal, intentionally set aside a time of prayer and fasting to prepare for the poignancy of the Last Supper, the freedom of Good Friday, and the joy of Easter Sunday.

Many, if not all, of you are aware that for many, the focus of Lent has been portrayed as a season where we 'give something up' as a sacrifice. This is a good and joyful thing to do, but there's another part of the equation that I think we would be wise to give more of our attention - "What's God up to during this Lenten season?"

You see, while it is important for us to take the initiative to be in an attitude of prayer and fasting, it is vital to never forget the reason why we engage in these activities - to make room for God's transformative work to be done in our lives. The only way to properly prepare for the poignancy of the Last Supper, the relief of Good Friday, and the joy of Easter Sunday is to allow ourselves to be put in God's hands so that Divine love can do what human nature cannot imagine.

We are moving towards Good Friday, where the reconciling work of Christ was finished - the work of reconciling God's creation to its creator.

Please, as you journey through this Lenten season, allow this time to be period where you are no longer carrying the chains of this world, but are being carried by the gracious work of Christ our Lord.

Grace and Peace, Lamar

Lamar C. Oliver