You heard me say during yesterday's message that 2013 is going to be a very critical year in our congregation's life as we determine what kind of church we will be going forward, and how the conversation we will have over lunch after worship on February 3 will be a most interesting time to hear the preliminary findings from our Long-Range Planning Committee.

One of the keys to what makes a good church a great church is the quality of its leadership, and 2013 looks to be a great year in this area. As I mentioned above, as we did last year on the last Sunday in January, we will be publicly recognizing our leadership and lifting them up in prayer.

We have four standing committees under church law - Committee on Finance, Board of Trustees, Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development, and a Staff-Parish Relations Committee. Additionally, we have a Mother's Day Out Advisory Board which provides guidance for our MDO program, serving as a liaison between our MDO program and our governing bodies. Finally, our Long-Range Planning Committee has served as an ad hoc group for the past few months. Each of these areas plays a vital, and defined, role within the ministry of the church, and we will talk more about these areas during our leadership recognition time Sunday morning.

A Most Sacred Trust - This is the concept that comes to mind when we look at who it is God is discerning to be part of our leadership team. To serve as a leader is to enter into a most sacred trust with all within the church. The most important role any church leader plays pertains not to the office they hold, but to the example they set for the rest of us. 

It is expected that our church leaders will be faithful attendees in worship (missing only when absolutely necessary), be active in a regular formation group (Sunday School, Bible studies, etc.), give faithfully and generously (at least tithing or working toward tithing by growing in their giving each year), participate in the mission work of the church, and have a true sense of humility that involves being able to submit our will to the greater good even when we disagree. Also, to be a leader means to be an ambassador for the congregation, taking the lead in promoting the congregation within their sphere of influence.

Personally, I am very excited about our 2013 leadership team, for I believe these men and women have been given, by God, tremendous talent and attitudes for servant leadership. Let's join together this Sunday to celebrate them, pray for them, and encourage them. While they have the responsibility to set the example for us, we have the responsibility to lift them up in prayer, and encouraging them in their work.

May we all partner together to make 2013 truly great!

To God be the Glory!

Grace and Peace, Lamar 

Lamar C. Oliver