Salvation via Handrails
The handrail. What a difference a handrail can make in life for those who need a little extra support and stability to get to a certain spot. Many times, those who seemingly don't need it don't give a second thought to it when it's not there, but to many, a handrail is the difference between being part of something or merely sitting on the outside. Looking at our new handrails has given me a lot to think about, for in many ways it is the perfect representation of who we are called to be as a church, and how the grace of God works in all of creation.
Far too often, we live as thought we are not in need of God's grace. Intentionally or not, we act as if we just do the necessary things to earn God's favor, then God's grace is simply something to which we are entitled. I'll refer to this kind of thinking as "Resumé Christianity" or "Checklist Christianity" - the idea that everything I've done proves that I am a good Christian and one who has earned their way into heaven.
Fact is, there is not a one of us who deserves God's grace. There's not a one of us that can hope to live in the grace of God without some help.
And that's what is so great about God. Worshiping a God who wants nothing more than for us to be in perfect union with our creator, and will go to whatever ends necessary to give us that chance, including the crucifixion of the only begotten Son to show the world the way.
Handrails. They are around us more than we realize, both physically and metaphorically. What handrail has God put your life to help you get into the presence of the Divine?
That's what's so wonderful about the gift of the church to the world. When we are gathered as the people of God, we, when we are on top of our game by the grace of God, give one another the support we need to revel in our creator.
See You Sunday!