What's in Your Nest?


Meet the newest member of the North Cross family, a killdeer and her four eggs that have taken up residence in our north parking lot.  They joined us, of course, on a Sunday morning, for they were not there when I parked my car but were firmly in place by the time we left after our 11:00 service.

She and I got off to a bit of a rough start, because she got the idea, somehow, that I was coming to mess in her next, and you know how momma birds can get when their babies are threatened.  However, we have come to a truce, and I have set up four cones to serve as a barrier for her and her family over the next month or so.

Looking at her passion for her nest, I was led to start thinking about what is it in our lives that we are determined to fiercely fight for at all costs?  What are those things that are nearest and dearest to us?  This momma bird is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure her babies are safe.  (Don't believe me?  Go meet her.  Just don't go near the nest, for we are trying to make it safe for them.)

This week, take a few moments to ask what it is that is in your nest, what it is that you are passionate about to the point of wanting to attack others who get too close.  Then ask yourself what it is that God wants you to prioritize the most, and spend your energies in those areas.  May we be as vigilant about defending our faith as a momma is about defending her nest.

And let's make sure that what's in our nest is what is really supposed to be there, and have the courage to clean out the unnecessary.

Grace and Peace, Lamar  

Lamar Oliver