Who Are You to Judge?
In the 2012 version of our church law, The Book of Discipline, we start with the following statement in paragraph 101:
"Support without accountability promotes moral weakness; accountability without support is a form of cruelty."
This week, I have been in conversation with leaders of the boards of ministry from the various conferences around the country as we move into the next four years of our life together. One of the foci of our conversations has been moving forward into stronger models of effectiveness in pastoral ministry as it relates to those exploring, starting, and working through life in one of the set-apart ministries within our church (elder, deacon, local pastor). In what is not news to anyone, one way to improve motivation is to increase appropriate accountability, and a big red flag is raised when we encounter someone who is resistant to being held accountable.
However, the relationship between support and accountability is far more crucial in how we live out our calling to be North Cross UMC. Yes, we exist to support one another and to hold one another up through the highs and lows of life.
But how much do we hold one another accountable to fulfilling our biblical mandate to live as ones who follow Christ?
Do we ask one another where have you been like Christ this week?
Do we ask one another where have you fallen short this week?
Do we ask one another why you haven't been in church lately?
Do we ask one another how are you moving toward or beyond tithing?
Do we ask one another what's happening in our life of prayer?
Do we ask one another how we are using our gifts to support our church?
More importantly, are we willing to be vulnerable enough and trusting enough to not only expect but welcome accountability?
Everything we do as the body of Christ has a purpose - the purpose of bringing one another along as we pursue the biblical ideal of living in such a way that it is no longer we who live but Christ who lives within us.
As we move into our next season of life together, we MUST be willing to hold and be held accountable for our continued growth in grace.
Our lives, and the life of our church, depends upon it.
See You Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!