Do You Hear What I Hear?

This week I can barely contain the enthusiasm of being your pastor.  As I walk through our facilities, I can already hear the echoes.  

I can hear the sounds of children exploring the grace of God.  I can hear the sounds of the saints of the church laughing, crying, loving, and supporting each other through the highs and lows of life.  I can hear the music emanating from the Wednesday and Thursday night rehearsals of our various music ministries.  I can hear the buzz that enters when the children of our two youth groups, the upper elementary children of our Club 456 and the junior high and high schoolers come in immediately after them.  I can hear the joy of a group gathering in the evening to be in study, fellowship, and prayer.

In other words, I can hear the sounds of the church being the church not just on Sunday morning, but the rest of the week.  

Over the next few of weeks, it will be really neat to see how the ministries of North Cross continue to grow and develop.  

I'm looking forward to greeting the parents of our Mother's Day Out program on Sunday evening at their Open House, anticipating the new year that will start the next day.

I'm looking forward to our Wednesday Night activities beginning September 7, where there will be something offered for every age group of people in our congregation and every square inch of our non-office facilities will be in use.

I'm looking forward to Sunday morning, where we will continue our look at fulfilling our sacred vows of membership by remembering once again our promise to God and one another to use the abilities God has given us to be in service to the Church.  More about this in Saturday morning's message - but know now that by the end of worship it will be clear to us all just how many ways there are to serve because of all the areas of ministry God is doing in our midst.

I'm looking forward to all the things that will be on our calendar over the next few months and how you will participate in them.

The children who will be starting our Mother's Day Out program next week are in the developmental stages of engaging the world God has given them.  Remember the wonder of a child's eye as they discover so much about themselves and their world, and let's bring that same sense of wonder and amazement to our lives, both in and out of the church.

See you Soon!

Lamar C. Oliver