21FEB2024 | DAY 07 | LENT IN B&W
21FEB2024 | DAY 07 | What we encounter regularly is, for the most part, a result of conscious decisions we have made over the many days, months, years, and decades of our lives - and shape us maybe far more than we may think…groups of confirmands for multiple years have encountered these framed reminders of the fruits of the Holy Spirit…while these sixth-grade students do not consciously read through each of them every time they are in this sacred space, the reality is these truths are in their face…while it is a joy to think of these concepts that are roots of the faith of which they are learning and by which they are being formed, Lent is a season wherein we are invited to take a good look at everything that makes up our lives and gives us the chance to rid ourselves of those things that have built up, forming us in ways that lead us away from Christ…